OZON-X UNIVERSAL SUPER NANO Non-Contact Car Wash Detergent 5kg

BarCode: 5853945300279

Highly concentrated cleaner for washing of cars and trucks. Easily removes dirt without damaging rubber, plastic, chrome and nickel details

Weight5 kg
Made inArmenia
Manufacturer:IE Arthur Najaryan
Ingredients:Aqua, surfactants, alkaline components, additives, complexing agents, dyes, erosion inhibitor
How to useSpread only on cold surfaces from bottom to top, leave it to work and before drying wash with a high pressure device. Shake before use
Caution's signsWork in rubber gloves. In case of contact with skin and eyes, wash with plenty of soap and water. Store out of reach of children
Expiration date3 years from the date of production. When freezing and melting, does not lose cleaning qualities