Regartro N 60 (Capsules) Bioactive additive

BarCode: 5853973300197

Is not a medicine

Made inArmenia
Application Instructions:as a biologically active additive to food - an additional source of glucosamine, boswellic acid, hyaluronic acid, collagen.
Packaging Type:Plastic tare
Manufacturer:NOKI LLC
Ingredients:Glucosamine sodium sulfate 1000mg chloride, Boswellia Serrat 200 mg (in which boswellic acid quantity is 65%), sodium hyaluronate 60mg, Collagen II type hydrolyzed 80mg
Storage conditionsStore in a dry, protected from direct sunlight and inaccessible to children places at temperatures not higher than 25C.
How to useAdults take 2 capsules 1 time a day, during meals. Consult your doctor before using.
Contraindication:Individual intolerance of product components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 18.
Pharmaceutical formÖ‰60 capsules, each 800mg
Expiration date3 years from the date of production․ See the production date on the packaging
Client and ControllerPRIMUS MED LLC
RecommendedFor improving the mobility of joints, accelerating the processes of regeneration of cartilage tissue.